한반도 종전 평화


Letter to the US President Donald Trump to Call for Ending the Korean War

Letter to the US President Donald Trump to Call for Ending the Korean War

Letter to the US President Donald Trump to Call for Ending the Korean War

From War Process to Peace Process! We Demand a Policy Shift from the Yoon Seok-yeol Administration

Immediate Action Needed to Prevent Imminent South-North Conflict: Stop Leaflet Drops on the DPRK

✨Thank you for being with 7.27 Peace Rally

📸Send Your Photo for Peace on the Korean Peninsula

⭐️Launching the Korea Peace Action Campaign

Korea Peace Appeal Report : Risk of Nuclear War in Korea and Peaceful Solutions

Cease All Military Actions and Hostilities and Restore Channels of Communication!

206,629 Signatures Delivered!

Korea Peace Rally in D.C.

Korea Peace Forum in NY & DC

CCA Statement on the 70th Year of the Armistice

Korea Peace Rally & March in NYC

🔥 Signature Drive ENDS on Sept. 22!

7.27 Symposium 

UBP&GPPAC Statement on the 70th Year of the Armistice

Press Conference on 70th Anni of the Armistice

UN Secretary-General's Peace Message

Messages from World Religious Leaders

🌊 7.22 Korea Peace Rally!

Korean National Assembly Resolution

🌎 Global Action Month for Korea Peace

Beyond the threat of war, toward the waves of peace 🌊

WCC Statement on the 70th Year of the Armistice

4.27 Peace Assembly

Press Conference on the ROK-US Summit

Peace Action Against the ROK-US Military Field Exercise

International Partners Meeting

☮️ Suspend the ROK-US Military Exercises

✍️ Signature Campaign

⭐️ Fresh Start of the Korea Peace Appeal Campaign

Let's resolve the war crisis in Korea

✨Journey for Peace in 2022

Press Conference with Nobel Peace Laureates

"Korea Peace for World Peace"

The military action provoking war must stop

KPA at the WCC Germany Assembly

🎉 Hankyoreh Unification Culture Special Award!

💌 Letter to the UN Secretary General for Korea Peace

Let's stop hostilities and end the Korean War!

Peace Festival to End the Korean War!

Korean War Q&A

Peace Declaration on the ROK-US Summit

Call for Suspending US-ROK Military Exercises

We urge the new government for peace

End the Korean War before the 70th Anniversary of the Armistice!

The call to end the War is amplified

Resolution by the Gyeonggido Assembly

Open Letter to Embassies to the ROK : It is time to End the Korean War

Let's end the war by 2023!

Send your photo to end the Korean War!

[ウェビナー] 米中の競争と朝鮮半島の平和

[Webinar] Korea Peace amid US-China competition

English Brochure of KPA Campaign

🎞 Documentary Film : Border Islands in South Korea

AEPF Workshop : Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula

Korea Peace Appeal Campaign X 2021 DMZ Forum

Peace Beamvertising ✨

Defund the Military, Defend People and the Planet!

Letter to the US President Joe Biden

2021 Declaration by Korea Peace Makers

[Webinar] Prospects and Challenges in 2021

Webinar on the Korea Peace Appeal Campaign

Letter to the US Presidential Candidates

[Column] Why should we end the Korean War?

Sand animation on the 70 yrs Korean War

🕊 Korea Peace Action Week : Send your selfie!

Korea Peace Appeal Campaign X 2020 DMZ Forum

[日本語] 朝鮮半島平和宣言

[Français] L'appel pour la paix en Corée

[Español] Llamamiento para la Paz de Corea

[Deutsch] Erklärung zum Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel

[Русский] Призыв к Миру на Корейском полуострове

Teaser Video "Sign Korea Peace Appeal Now"

Peace Campaign to End the Korean War Launch Press Conference

Korea Peace Appeal Signature Sheet & Banner

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