한반도 종전 평화


63820 people
joining the Korea Peace Appeal around the World

70 years is enough.
With your name,
Let’s End the Korean War
Sign Korea Peace Appeal Now!


Collected signatures will be delivered to the UN and to the governments of the countries involved in the Korean War including the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the United States, and the People's Republic of China.

Read Korea Peace Appeal full version here


From War Process to Peace Process! We Demand a Policy Shift from the Yoon Seok-yeol Administration

✨Thank you for being with 7.27 Peace Rally

📸Send Your Photo for Peace on the Korean Peninsula

⭐️Launching the Korea Peace Action Campaign

Korea Peace Appeal Report : Risk of Nuclear War in Korea and Peaceful Solutions

Cease All Military Actions and Hostilities and Restore Channels of Communication!

206,629 Signatures Delivered!

Korea Peace Rally in D.C.

Korea Peace Forum in NY & DC

Korea Peace Rally & March in NYC

✍️ Signature Campaign

Korean War Q&A

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